January 12th – 27th, 2024
Scrapture is sculpture made from re-animated scraps. Offcuts, discards, debris, leftovers. The exhibited examples re-compose the process waste from the build out of the gallery itself and the storage areas in the adjacent office, as well as salvage from two previous DTLA apartment interiors, into a demonstration of enigmatic purposefulness.
It would be topically smart to claim these pieces are examples of sustainability because of their adaptive reuse of construction waste, but that was not a motivation. Instead, the pieces draw on the intentions behind the scraps original use to add depth and legitimacy to their gestures toward purposefulness. This compositional intentionality is also critical, though. A disappointed future lingers in the fugitive memory of each scrap’s degraded state—with its empty screw holes, paint shadows, mill marks, or determinedly truncated shape—haunting the new form. A story of rejection and renewal can be read in the finished piece’s regained purposefulness, even if that purposefulness remains inscrutable.